This is a project that seeks self sustainability in order to translate and dub different sources of information, whether videos, texts, books, articles... to INSPIRE people to SEARCH, OBSERVE and FEEL their reality from a different view. Looking to offer NEW PERSPECTIVES that promote KNOWLEDGE OF ONESELF and INNER DISCOVERY.

We found a great need to TRANSLATE, INTERPRET and DUB CONSCIOUS AND VALUABLE INFORMATION that is not shared between cultures of different languages ​​because of the lack of access to the understanding of the original language it was created in.

Therefore, we have proposed this beautiful and immense task of CONNECTING CONSCIOUSNESS and DISMANTLING LIMITATIONS of communication and interaction of ideas, feelings and passions to assist in this process of EXPANSION and LIBERATION of CONSCIOUSNESS.

So if the information provided has touched you, resonated and inspired you towards your OWN PERSONAL GROWTH, we humbly ask you to COLLABORATE with us so as to be able TO REACH AND TOUCH MORE HEARTS TOWARDS A NEW HUMANITY.

You can help by pressing the PayPal Donations Button.


domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Pedagooogy 3000: a practical guide for teachers, parents and oneself

We are very happy to share with you our first translated book! Pedagooogy 3000 of Noemi Paymal. You can purchase a copy for only $2.99 USD in the following link:

Pedagooogy 3000 website:


What is happening with education? 
Why do so many parents and teachers say they cannot handle the situation? 
What kinds of tools do the psycho-pedagogues need for the children of today? 
What does the arrival of these gifted children with special abilities mean to all of us? 
How to build a new society where Being is more important than Having? 
How can we return to our essence? 
How to emerge again with nature, Mother Earth and the cosmos? 
Are we envisioning the birth of a new humanity? 

For a pedagogy designed according to the children and the young of today and tomorrow!
What is Pedagooogy 3000 (Pedagooogia 3000 TM)?

Pedagooogy 3000 is an educational Culture centred on the children of today and tomorrow, with all of their differences, their specific needs and their new ways of learning and being. Pedagooogia 3000 is constantly gathering and co-creating teaching tools that support the wellbeing and global-affective development of infants, children, young people, parents and teachers’ and the rest of society as a whole. Pedagooogia 3000 is flexible and based on the new paradigms of the Third Millennium. It adapts itself to each specific social, cultural, economic and ecological environment.

Noemi Paymal is the author of the book Pedagooogía 3000.  A practical guide for teachers, parents and oneself.

Noemi Paymal is French. She is a researcher, communicator, anthropologist, author and creator of Pedagooogia 3000 ®.
She has worked during more than 25 years in various Latin American countries in the field of applied anthropology and alternative education.

Currently, she is constantly travelling, and has given over 720 lectures and workshops in Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, United States, France, India, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Taiwan, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay. In 2009, she participated in the International Forum of ANH with Deepak Chopra, in the education section.
Since 2001, together with a multidisciplinary international team, she is investigating the issue of children and young people called ‘of the Third Millennium’. She has been the director of three electronic journals, the coordinator of several radio programs, including the program "Radio Pedagooogía 3000, a meeting with the new generations" and the producer of several television programs on the subject of education and personal growth.

Presently she is promoting emAneenlace mundial parA una nueva educación(worldwide link for A new education), together with Adhyayana22 (Barcelona), Asiri (Lima) and several other institutions and individuals from some 25 different countries.
She is the author of several books on anthropology and alternative education.

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Unfolding Theory of Time- Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet

Unfolding Theory of Time

We are exited to present to all of you the latest video we have subtitled!

Link to the video

Jean Pierre Garnier Malet. In 1988 he made ​​an astonishing discovery relating to the properties of time. It was published between 1998 and 2006, his theory about the Unfolding Theory of Time brings us many scientific brake throughs. Above all, it can explain the mechanism of life, our thoughts and  how to use our best intuitions, instincts and premonitions that this Doubling provides us. The Doubling Theory by Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet has been the subject of four successive scientific publications in an international journal "referees". 

We are duplicated in spaces and times in periodic doubling. 
To survive, temporal openings are connecting us to passed and future. 
For a good life, it is necessary to know and control them.

 Dependent on a solar cycle and an essential property of time, a doubling makes us live in two different times, as a consequence giving us the possibility of anticipating our best future and choosing the favorables moments for each one of our actions. Permanent exchanges of information with that which "duplicates us" make it possible to control the dangerous but passioning chance and avoid a safe but choking predestination.

With the appearance of continuity, time passes only from time to time.

Like the mass, space or our cells, it is "full of emptiness". The dilation of this vacuum accelerates it, making available another faster life time which enables us to try out the future. So the unconscious is only the conscious of so fast moments that it remains out of conscience. However, it modifies our present instantaneously. By ignorance, we do not control this vital part of our being, duplicated in a different time. While knowing and using our doublingunfolding, we can optimize our future possibilities, while remaining free to act in our present time.

The purpose of the discontinuity of time is to give to us permanent information in "temporal openings" unperceivable which arrive to us in the form of intuitions, suggestions and premonitions.

Our body is obliged to follow these instructions to obtain its vital balance. By ignoring them , we develop a stress with his inevitable procession of problems, anguishes, leading to physical or psychic disorders.
While following them, we can detect the problems in advance, envisage the solutions, find the projects useful or essential, give up others without regrets.
Without never harming the freedom of each one , they enable us to build a future pleasant potential and to give a precise purpose to our life.

Garnier´s website:

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013



We are honored to present to the world a series of videos which Freedom Translations is collaborating with, and which will help enormously to expand and shift the consciousness of the globe. This is the first of many more videos to come on the application of awarded physicist Jean Pierre Garnier´s Law of the Doubling of time to the Being. Alejandra Casado, from Argentina, has developed a methodology from the Universal law of physics which allows us to reconnect with our original self so we can self-reference our journey back to where we belong: the Original Essence.

This is the first of a series of 8 videos, which were made available online from 21st June (first video) to 1st December 2013 (last video of the series), originally in Spanish and from Argentina.

Given the impact this information has had, we will be making available the entire series subtitled into English, ensuring a very careful and precise translation given the originality of the ideas expressed in them.

If you resonate with the information please share! 

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Fears through the stages of life

Hi again everyone!!

We´ve got another video from Freedom Translations. A beautiful conference by philosopher and anthropologist Roberto Pérez, who has studied and been in contact with the Andean spiritual and shamanistic knowledge, who presents to us a forgotten wisdom about the different stages of life and the fears which we have to learn how to conquer in each of them.

Very profound and practical information which can help us understand and mature better in each moment of our lives.

If you resonate with the information please share.

Thanks and bless you all!

Link of the video

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Alternative education for the new children of the third millenium

Alternative education for the new children of the third millennium

Hello again everyone!!

here is another video we are very exited to present to you all about how to EDUCATE THE NEW CHILDREN OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM. It comes from an organization called Pedagooogy 3000, which is an educational Culture centred on the children of today and tomorrow, with all of their differences, their specific needs and their new ways of learning and being. Pedagooogia 3000 is constantly gathering and co-creating teaching tools that support the wellbeing and global-affective development of infants, children, young people, parents and teachers’ and the rest of society as a whole. Pedagooogia 3000 is flexible and based on the new paradigms of the Third Millennium. It adapts itself to each specific social, cultural, economic and ecological environment. 

This is the third step of a series of 13 simple steps to help parents and teachers with these new children.

Hope you find it useful and inspiring!!

Click here to watch the video

Pedagooogy 3000 website:

Freedom Translation facebook group:

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

Three year old kid explains why he doesn´t want to eat meat

Hello all you beautiful people!!

here is the last vid we have subtitled. Luiz Antonio is just three years old and he explains to his mother why he doesn´t want to eat meat. Simple and heartfelt truth.

If you like the information and intention of the video please share it.

Join our facebook page:


Video link

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Ideal and mission in life: Roberto Pérez


Hello to all!!

Here is our latest project: Ideal and Mission in Life of Roberto Pérez

An unmissable conference by philosopher and anthropologist, who has studied and been in contact with the Andean spiritual and shamanistic wisdom, who guides and inspires us to find that ideal which moves and thrives us in life. To understand who we are and what passion we came here to share.

If you resonate with the information

Thanks and bless you all!!   

Link of the video

p.d. If anyone wants to receive the 20 paged booklet of this conference, with the conceptual map, please let me know at:

Conceptual map to follow the explanation: